Sherri Buck Baldwin
Heart in Hand Ltd.
Thirty -two years ago I named my home studio Heart in Hand Ltd. because an artist needs the hand, the eye, and the heart to create meaningful art. This continues to be a guiding principle everyday that I spend in my studio. Each image I create by hand is a celebration of life, and reflects my love of nature and gratitude for all God's creatures.
I grew up loving the feel of a pencil in my hand and knew early on I wanted to be an artist. Pencil still in hand, I attended Illinois Wesleyan University to earn my BFA degree with a concentration in printmaking.
I spend everyday in my home studio in southern Wisconsin, a beautiful place where I only have to step outside to be inspired by the changing seasons. My three terriers often push me aside in their enthusiasm to go out and hunt for bunnies in the garden. Hummer, Tillie, and Angus share my studio and keep me on a strict walkie schedule. (Hummer is on my lap in the photo.)
I have two adult married children who live in the area, and a sweet little granddaughter named Violet who provides a new source of inspiration.
My favorite medium is ink and watercolor but I also enjoy working in colored pencil, soft pastels, and relief prints. I am represented by Donna Westman of DSW Licensing who may be contacted at donna@dswlicensing.com about licensing my artwork or for viewing more of my extensive portfolio. I will continue to add new galleries and images. Thank you for visiting my world, I hope you leave with with a smile.